The last few days:
Virkeligheden er ikke vigtig
Kultur, katte og æstetiske forsøg - forskellige former for nøgenhed
tirsdag den 21. januar 2025
January 2021
mandag den 4. november 2024
Last Call for the Lifeboats
I can tell by the gentle slope of the hallway
as I wade on through leftover luggage
and by the way the fluorescent lights
I'm just a little fool
I've got no head for physics or for maths
I've lived my life for pretty lights
glasses of effervescent wines
minor crimes
of the heart.
It's not my area of expertise
but this near to the closing of it all
even I can tell our ship is sinking.
Go to, unblinking. Hike up your skirts of cobwebbed silks
and carry on. Here, the stairs.
The rushing of the ocean
cannot overtake
the memories of dancing
just a little while ago.
I know where the exits are
I can even swim. I won't.
This is the closing of the ball.
The last call.
There's no one waiting on the shore.
The lifeboats have already left.
Yet, I've got an itch
a pinprick of a thought
that if I get to the deck up top
the stars will still be smiling high above.
lørdag den 26. oktober 2024
torsdag den 11. juli 2024
søndag den 5. november 2023
Don't sabotage yourself, he says. I do nothing else. Write.
What right do I have to create?
I want to tell stories, that's all. Beautiful painful little tales. I still ache for the plot. Throw some more at me. Let me fall, like Alice, into reveries. Let me slice myself open on heartache, hurting deliriously from the knowledge it all will end, it almost already has.
Well, it has.
We're in the after. There are no more kisses, no potential. She didn't become an artist, or a scholar, or any other kind of immortal. She's just slowly dying.
A kind of luck, of course. But still.
Shut up, I will.
lørdag den 15. juli 2023
onsdag den 26. april 2023
Paradise Lost
The heart is heavy with melancholy, the mind is angry and hard. Want to do more art. Want beauty to be easily accessible in everyday life; not something to constantly compete for and never reach. Want more touch. Want to share life with a friend group like when we were students. Want to let myself be vulnerable again, be excited again.
I felt loved at this game and around it, and also intensely lonely. I felt beautiful and talented and also strange and clumsy and shaped wrongly and in the way. I want to dance five more hours of waltz; I want to start my own studio, making only games in the dark feminine aesthetic. I feel so much love. I want to drown myself in embraces.
torsdag den 17. november 2022
The exquisite feminine sensation of discovering a whole new array of insecurities, you hadn't realised you were supposed to carry.
fredag den 22. april 2022
søndag den 17. april 2022
Just dust and flower mites?
The little cakes I bake are also a sort of poetry,
nevermind the almond flour or the sugar,
they contain 1 tsp longing and as much hope
as you can locate in your cupboard.